Invited seminar talk at TU Darmstadt
I was invited to give a seminar talk on human-swarm interaction at emergenCITY.
Thank you for the invitation Prof. Roderich Groß.
Title: Multi-Operator Control of Connectivity-Preserving robot Swarms
Abstract: Robot swarms hold the potential to help humans accomplish many challenging problems in the real world. In this talk, we look at a scenario where a group of humans must guide a robot swarm to complete tasks that are spatially distributed across an environment. I will present our approach based on formal languages that allow robots to help a pair of humans complete tasks while preserving a communication network between them. Results from physics-based simulations and a user study show that the network provides an effective way for humans to communicate and dynamically exchange robots as a shared resource. The approach is extended to support an arbitrary number of humans, where the robots form networks that are significantly shorter in length than centrally computed optimal starlike topology networks and require fewer robots to maintain them.